Southwest Children's Literature

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Coyote and the Laughing Butterflies

These are student responses from a second grade classroom:

The drawing shows a deer calling an alligator "Big Mouth."

Alligator and the Others

Once upon a time there was an alligator that was very, very long. On his first day of daycare he met another alligator named Alexes, but all the other alligators made fun of him. They called him big mouth. So when he grew up and knew how to hunt he always hunted other animals because he thought they would call him big mouth. That is why alligators eat other animals.


The Butterflies

Once there were three butterflies that flew in the air. One is named Sulonnia, the other one is named Muelonnia, and the last one is named Luetonnia and they were best friends. Whenever a bad guy comes real near to either one of them they fly real, real far and fast.


The drawing shows three butterflies.

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