Southwest Children's Literature

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Efraín of the Sonoran Desert: A Lizard's Life Among the Seri Indians


This is a glamous photograph of Lana


About the Reviewer:

Lana Pascall is a graduate student in Deaf Education at the University of Arizona. She longs for an opportunity to work with young deaf children and enrich their lives with love of the world - an adventure through books, plays, and art. When she grew up, she always had a pretend student audience (with her dolls) and acted like a teacher. Her sister also was one of her students - one who received a lot of homework, more than her doll-classmates.

Lana has fallen in love with the beauty of Southwest living. She enjoys going on hikes and camping up north in Sedona. In the summertime, she goes down to Mexico and enjoys the scorching sun and beautiful blue ocean. The ocean, where she can sit in the sun all day reading novels, brings her peace and relaxation. (Fall 2003)

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