Southwest Children's Literature

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Efraín of the Sonoran Desert: A Lizard's Life Among the Seri Indians

Book Review:

Amalia Astrorga tells Paul Nabhan a touching story about her beloved endangered lizard, Efraín, who lived with her and Seri Indians for years. Efraín became part of her family and socialized with them all the time until one day Efraín was destroyed by wild dogs. The family mourned for her and buried her because she was one of their ancestors.

The Seri people are located in the Sonoran Desert near Baja California. Seris believe in caring for animals and keeping them alive. Today, Seri children are experts on forty-six different lizards' names, such as the desert spring lizard, long-nosed leopard or desert side-blotched lizard.

This book may enrich children's knowledge of Native Americans and their contributions, and helpt them understand why we should preserve the desert ecosystem. This book can reflect our thoughts about why Indians honor animals or nature. The book can reflect the love between children and animals and how people should take care of our endangered species.

The rich artwork in this book was done by Janet K. Miller. She uses a technique called "reverse glass painting," which reflects the colors of Seri culture and the vibrant Sonoran Desert.

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