About the Reviewer:
Amanda Zagloba is an employee of the Pima County Public Library
system working with teens and children. She received her Bachelor's
in Studio Art and English from Wesleyan College in Macon,
GA in 2004 before heading West. Currently a student at the
University of Arizona (UA), she is expecting to receive her
Master's degree in Information Resources and Library Sciences
in May 2009. Hopefully after graduation she will be able to
find a position that will allow her to pursue one (or both!)
of her main interests: serving youth or library technology.
Outside of school and work, Amanda keeps busy cooking/baking,
crocheting, attending theatre and opera performances, and
reading. She is also one of the few UA library school students
to have both multiple tattoos and body piercings and the only
one with blue hair; she looks forward to one day being an
official "modified librarian."
Fall 2008