If I Had a Tail
If I Had a Tail is appropriate for students in first to fourth
Lesson Plan:
Goals: To use literature to obtain information; to gain understanding
of different animals and their physical features and habitats.
Objectives: Students will acquire a basic understanding of different
animals by guessing at reasons for the described tail. Students will
also use literature to solve problems by guessing at the riddles provided
by the author.
Core Curriculum:
Science: Foundations Level. 1) Students will learn about seven
animals. 2) Students will learn what tails are used for and where the
specific animal lives.
Art: Foundations Level. 1) Students will draw their own animal
with a tail of their choosing. 2) Students will discuss the habitat
of their animal and the animal's unique tail.
Sequence: 1) Get students' thoughts on why animals have certain
tails. Why aren't tails all the same? 2) Read If I Had a Tail
by Karen Clemens Warrick. 3) Discuss how tails are important in each
individual animal's habitat. 4) Have students draw an animal of their
choice, and try to write a riddle in order for a classmate to guess
their animal.