Southwest Children's Literature

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Two Cool Coyotes

In the classroom/library:

GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten
SUBJECT: Reading (Comprehension)
OVERVIEW: In this lesson, students will listen to the story, Two Cool Coyotes by Jillian Lund. Students will identify various life forms existing in the desert. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the moral of the story (friendship) by creating a pictograph with personal symbols and completing a listening response worksheet.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this lesson is to consider the many life forms in the desert southwest, as well as identify personal relationships that connect the students with the story.

Students will:
1. Identify creatures and plants that live in the Sonoran desert
2. Relate their own personal friendships to that of the characters
3. Examine the meaning of pictographs and symbols
4. Illustrate an understanding of pictographs and symbols through bleach/construction paper project
5. Respond to the story though writing a listening response

Concept 1: Elements of Literature
o Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structures and elements of literature. (K-R2-C1)
PO 1. Participate (e.g., react, speculate, join in, read along) when predictably patterned selections of fiction and poetry are read aloud.
PO 2. Identify elements of a story, including characters, setting, and key events.
Concept 5: Literary Response
o Literary response is the writer's reaction to a literary selection. The response includes the writer's interpretation, analysis, opinion, and/or feelings about the piece of literature and selected elements within it. (K-W3-C5)
PO 1. Participate in a group discussion, based on a literature selection, that identifies the:
a. character(s)
b. setting
c. sequence of events
(See K-R2-C1)
PO 2. Participate in a group discussion in response to a given piece of literature that connects:
a. text to self (personal connection)
(See K-R2-C1)
Fine Arts
Standard 1: Creating Art
o Identify and use a variety of art media (e.g., papermaking, tempera paint, film, computer, fiber, clay) and techniques (e.g., crayon resist, collage, wet-on-wet, computer graphics, coil/slab construction) to communicate ideas, experiences and stories. (AV1-R1)
PO 3. Produce a variety of artworks to communicate ideas, experiences and stories
Standard ?
PO 1. Identify art forms such as painting, drawing, sculpture, and collage as a form of communicating thoughts and ideas
PO 2. Use the elements of art in various art forms to communicate feelings and ideas
o Identify various subject matter, ideas, and symbols (e.g., lion representing courage, heart symbolizing love, road conveying journey) used in one's own work and work of others to convey meaning. (AV1-R3)
PO 2. Identify a variety of ideas used in works of art (e.g., families, friends, experiences)
PO 3. Identify a variety of symbols used in works of art (e.g., heart for love, lion for courage)
PO 6. Use a variety of symbols to convey meaning in one's own works of art (e.g., heart for love, lion for courage)
o Begin to look at and talk about art. (AV1-R4)
PO 1. Describe what is seen in an artwork (e.g., subject matter, elements of art and/or expressive qualities)
PO 2. Describe what is seen in one's own artwork
o Identify and describe safe and responsible use of tools and materials. (AV1-R5)
PO 4. Use materials safely and responsibly

Two Cool Coyotes by Jillian Lund

Bleach in small containers, brown construction paper, q-tips, listening response worksheet, glue sticks, pencils

1. Introductory Set
There are many different plants and animals that live in the desert. Can we name a few that we have seen? Do any of you know what a pictograph is? How about a symbol? What kinds of things do you like to do with your best friend?

2. Objective/purpose
Students will:
1. Identify creatures and plants that live in the desert
2. Relate personal relationships to that of the characters
3. Examine the meaning of pictographs and symbols
4. Illustrate an understanding of pictographs and symbols through bleach/construction paper project
5. Respond to the story though writing a listening response

3. Input
Read the Jillian Lund story Two Cool Coyotes. Ask students to identify some things they might see in the desert. Read first 13 pages and ask students to reflect on the types of things they like to do with their best friend. Continue reading story until the page where a pictograph appears. Briefly explain what a pictograph is and encourage students to remember the word because it will come up again later. Finish reading the story.

4. Modeling
Display teacher made example of construction paper pictograph and listening response worksheet. Ask students to share what they think a pictograph is. Give an explanation. Inform students of the process for creating pictograph:
1) think about a symbol that represents friendship
2) sketch it on a piece paper and share it with the adult at the table
3) dip q-tip in bleach
4) create symbol(s) by rubbing wet q-tip on paper and let dry
5) complete the listening response worksheet
*Explain safety precautions.*

It might be good to have a little schema to show this. Something like:

A sketch of a person thinking - with a ? in a talking bubble A pictograph sketch
(Put an example here.) The bleach process
(Put an example here.) The writing process
(Put an example here.)

Students will be divided into three teacher-assisted groups to complete the activity.

Students will design symbol(s) based on things that they like to do with their best friend (TEXT to SELF connection)

While pictograph is drying, students will complete a listening response worksheet. The response will include: Title, Author, Book Rating, and a one-sentence explanation of why they chose to create their symbol. Students will glue their response paper to the back of their pictograph.

Upon completion of the projects, students may move to separate work areas and play with play-doh and Southwest cookie cutters.

5. Check for Understanding
Ask students to repeat directions: create pictograph using bleach, paper, and q-tips. Complete a listening response worksheet. Glue worksheet to the back of the pictograph. Each student's design/response will be different. Discuss differences in each group.

6. Guided Practice
Circulate among the groups (once bleach has been put away). Check for understanding of concepts. Assist students with sentence writing.

7. Independent Practice
Encourage students to look for symbols and desert life in their communities.

8. Closure
Review desert life. Review the meaning of symbols and pictographs. Review the importance of friendship. Once all projects are completed, instructor will bind students' work into a class book. Instructor will complete this process over the weekend. On Monday, the students will gather on the carpet for circle time. Instructor will present the class book, at that time students who wish to share their pictograph design my do so.

The pictograph designs created by the students will demonstrate each individual child's comprehension of what a pictograph is, what a symbol is, and how they can represent personal information in these forms. Each student will complete a listening response worksheet that will demonstrate the knowledge acquired from the book.

To extend this lesson, repeat this process with other materials, including Native American texts and art. Formulate new activities that incorporate the use of symbols and desert life. Example: Native American vests with symbols for Thanksgiving program.

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