Southwest Children's Literature

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The Southwest Children's and Young Adult Literature Web Site is a collaborative project
between undergraduate and graduate students in education, library science, and English
and Tucson-area and beyond students and their classroom teachers, teacher-librarians, and public librarians.

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AzTEA Web Award Logo


Preservice teachers and graduate students have reviewed the Southwest-themed books featured on this site and have reported students' responses. When possible, they have interviewed the books' authors and/or illustrators.

This Web site serves as a resource for the children's and young adult literature community. It is part of the coursework for several university classes taught in several departments at two different universities.

Site Facilitator: Judi Moreillon, Ph.D., author, literacies and libraries consultant, and adjunct associate professor (library science educator, former preservice classroom teacher educator)

Contact Judi Moreillon at:

Site design: Kwaku Adeigbola and Judi Moreillon

Site launched: 13 October 1999
Last updated: 20 May 2018

This site is archived.

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