By Eric, Hector, and L.M.
In the monstrousarama soccer game Hector issimo,
extreme Eric, and L.M are as good as they always are. Super-crazy
fans cheering for us to make a goal and do are fantastic body
By Sydnei and Autumn
Autumn &
Sydnei are groovyoso friendsa. Sometimes we get
awesomeissimo icecream. It's mega-tastic espesaily
with chocholatoso cream on top. Autumn and Sydnei are
groovyoso, fantastico, coolimoso friendsa.
Of courso.
By V'Eanna and C.R.
V'Eanna and
C.R.'s sweetorama drem is to be a singer and a maniger.
C.R. will be in her own famousoso band. V'Eanna will
be a maniger for C.R. And that is our mega-tastic dream.
By Morgan
and Brandon
Mega tastic
arama wrestling is one of Morgan and Brandons favoriteissimo
sports. We like to head lock people with our superoso
strenth. We use our monstoroso thighs. I like the coolissimo
singlets that show our muscles