Southwest Children's Literature

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Lizards on the Wall

In the classroom/library:

Animals of the Southwest - Lizards

To use an informational book to learn about lizards.
To gain information as what the lizards do and what they eat.
To use a book to prompt artistic endeavors to show what was comprehended in the reading of the book.

Objectives and Standards:
Students will use context to determine the relevant meaning of words.
PO2. 4-R1-C4 Students will predict text content using prior knowledge and text features
PO 1.4-R1-C6 Students will confirm predictions about text for accuracy.
PO 2. 4-R1-C6 Students will use graphic organizers in order to clarify the meaning of the text.
PO4. 4-R1-C6 Students will apply what they know about the book's subject when discussing the book prior to its reading.
Students will draw what they learned about lizards in the artwork comprehension activity following the reading.

How do lizards live in the Southwest? What do they do, eat and how do they protect the environment? Do you have lizards around where you live and what do you know about them?

Using the letters of their name, they will write what they learned about lizards. They will also draw illustrations of what they remember about lizards.

Day One:
1. Make connections of what animals are in the Southwest and around their homes.
2. Talk about how difficult it was to catch a lizard talked about in book-could not bring one in.
3. Read book and show illustrations
4. Brainstorm what concepts were in book and put words on board.
5. Have students use the letters in their name to draw animals and list word concepts that were in story.

Resource: Lizards On The Wall by Ken and Debby Buchanan. Illustrator: Betty Schweitzer-Johnson. Harbinger House, Tucson, Arizona.

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