The Treasure of Ghostwood Gully: A Southwest
After sharing the story and discussing the poetic device onomatopoeia,
the children had the opportunity to write their own sentence and draw
an illustration. The topic for the project was a monsoon storm that
included what is seen and heard before, during, and/or after an intense
summer storm.
My example for the class:
"Snap-Crack" sounded the lightning
right outside my window.
"Splat-Splat!" My sister jumped in the puddles.
I heard a sudden big "Boom!" of thunder
outside of my tiny room.
"Snap, Crackle, Pop!" There goes the

"Drip-Drip" goes the rain on the
winndow pane.
"Boom-Crack!" I hear thunder and lightning
at my window as clear as night!