Southwest Children's Literature

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Thunder Rose

In the classroom/library:

Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Subjects: Writing Process and Art
Overview: In this lesson students will use the class reading of Thunder Rose and a class web of weather conditions to create a powerful name for themselves. Using their powerful names, the students will create a sentence and illustration portraying their powers.
Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to allow the students to use their knowledge of various weather conditions and combine it with their creativity in giving themselves a powerful name and writing a sentence about their powers based on their knowledge of the weather condition chosen, then illustration the sentence. Making connections in this way will allow the students to involve a text-to-self connection and build comprehension.

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Create a web of various weather conditions
2. Construct a sentence using their knowledge of weather
3. Illustrate their sentence

Language Arts/ Writing Standard
Strand 1: Writing Process
Concept 1: Prewriting
Prewriting includes using strategies to generate, plan, and organize ideas for specific purposes.
PO 1. Generate ideas through prewriting activities (e.g. webbing).
Art Standard
Strand 2: Art in Context (Visual)
2AV-FI: Select and demonstrate and understanding of how subject matter communicates meaning, themes, and ideas in works made by themselves and others.
PO 1: Match similar subject matter in art images/objects.
ELL I: Writing Applications
Relate messages and short stories by writing one to two simple sentences using key words that are posted and commonly used in the classroom.

" A copy of Thunder Rose
" A transparency sample of completed project
" Whiteboard and markers for class web

" Writing journal for class web and sentence draft
" White sheet of paper with 4 lines (see attached)
" Pencil and crayons

Introductory Set
Have any of you read the book Thunder Rose? Thunder Rose is a tall tale that takes place in the southwestern United States. It is about a cowgirl who has the power of thunder and lightning. Do you know of any characters from other books you have ready, or TV shows you have watched who have special powers? Share with your group members any characters you can think of. Well, let us read and see what Thunder Rose can do with her powers.

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Create a web of different kinds of weather
2. Incorporate their knowledge of weather to come up with their own powerful name like Thunder Rose, ex. Sam Snowstorm
3. Compose a sentence for what they would do if they had a special power related to their weather name
4. Create an illustration that relates to their sentence

Read Thunder Rose to the children. After reading the book, create a class web with weather in the center. Have the students name all the different kinds of weather they know about and add them to the web. Possible weathers might be snow, rain, avalanches, or lightning. Use the class web as a foundation for creating a name for themselves, a sentence, and an illustration.

The teacher will share a sample name and with the class create a sentence related to the name.

Check for Understanding
Students will create a class web to come up with different kinds of weather. The students will use their web as prewriting in order to create a name, sentence, and an illustration to finish the lesson. The teachers will list the steps to complete the assignment on the board. If students finish early, they may read other tall tales provided by the teachers.

Guided Practice
The teachers will support students as they create their webs and compose the writing prompt. Ask the children to make up their own name using one of the weather examples from the web, then add their first name to the weather to create a powerful name for themselves (ex. Sam Snowstorm). After they come up with their name, have them create a sentence of what they can do (what powerful thing). Then the students will create an illustration of themselves that relates to their sentence. Look for creativity and understanding of the directions. Sentences and illustrations should match and include powerful actions.

Independent Practice

Work will be completed in class under supervision of teachers.

Make connection/bridge to future writing assignments. Review what tall tales are, perhaps their names and sentences may help them to write their own tall tale. Review how the sentences they write are similar to Thunder Rose.

Students' completed project will show their understanding of the assignment.
Teachers will walk around the room and talk with children about their names and powers. Students will share their sentences and illustrations with each other in groups.

Extensions and Modifications
As children begin studying features of tall tales, they may want to use their powerful names and sentence as a beginning for their own tall tale.
For ELL students, pair them with bilingual students in the class to work together and clarify direction.

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