Clementina's Cactus
In the classroom/library:
The objective of this lesson is to take the picture book, Clementina's
Cactus, and have the students use their creativity to create their
own story by looking at the illustrations. The holistic overview of
this lesson is to get the students thinking about all of the different
possibilities and outcomes of this story. Upon completion of this lesson,
students should have learned how to work together in groups and use
their imagination to create and write their own stories using their
own creative ideas. This unit will broaden the students' horizons when
it comes to storytelling and writing.
GRADE LEVEL: 6th, 7th, and 8th
SUBJECT: Language Arts
OVERVIEW: Present the picture book, Clementina's Cactus, and
have the students write a story based on the illustrations.
PURPOSE: To broaden the students' horizons in literacy and stir up their
creative talents in storytelling and writing.
Students will:
1. Have an understanding of a picture book.
2. Be able to use their imagination to fill in the author's story with
ideas and voice of their own.
3. Produce a creative story with a partner to be read at the end of
Writting Concept 1. Expressive
o Expressive writing includes personal narratives, stories, poetry,
songs, and dramatic pieces. Writing may be based on real or imagined
events. (7-W3-C1)
PO 1. Write a story that includes:
a. an engaging plot based on imagined or real ideas, observations, or
memories of an event or experience
b. effectively developed characters
c. a clearly described setting
d. dialogue, as appropriate
e. figurative language, or descriptive words and phrases to enhance
style and tone
PO 2. Write in a variety of expressive forms (e.g., poetry, skit) that,
according to type of writing, employ:
a. figurative language
b. rhythm
c. dialogue
d. characterization
e. plot
* Book - Clementina's Cactus by Ezra Jack Keats
* Microsoft Word
* Book - Clementina's Cactus by Ezra Jack Keats
* Pencil
* Paper
* Username and Password for computers
* Computer workstation
* Printer
* Arrange chairs in the computer lab into a semi-circle.
* Have a copy of Clementina's Cactus ready.
* Have all of the computers logged on and Microsoft Word open.
* Write guest Username and Password on the board (just incase).
* Speak to the Teacher Assistant and make sure she understands
the assignment.
* Have as much of this assignment prepared as possible. For example:
Have the computers set up and ready to go. The fewer tasks for the children
to do, the more time they can spend concentrating on their stories.
* Make sure the children fully understand the assignment.
* Pair them into groups that will benefit their learning.
* Keep a close eye on the time.
* Make sure to visit each group to keep the students on task.
1. Introductory Set
* Get the students motivated by asking them each open-ended questions
as the book is introduced. This will get their minds working, and will
also serve as brainstorming for the next exercise.
2. Objective/Purpose
* After this lesson, students will be able to think creatively,
and be able to express their feelings and transfer their thoughts down
onto paper.
3. Input
* During this lesson, the book will be introduced, and will be
the only manipulative used.
4. Modeling
* As the book is introduced, go through, page by page, and ask
the students open-ended questions. The ideas that they share can be
used to complete the rest of their assignment.
5. Check for Understanding
* To make sure the students understand the lesson, be very repetitive
during the introduction, and ask if the students have any questions.
Check up on every student during the lesson to make sure they are on
task, and answer any questions they have about the assignment.
6. Guided Practice
* As the lesson progresses, monitor the students' progress and
make sure they are on task. Continue to roam the room and make sure
the students are familiar with their objective.
7. Independent Practice - or Homework
* The students will be put into small groups of two, and work with
each other on the assignment.
8. Closure
* As a closure, have all of the students print out their part in
the story and put them all together, then go back through the book and
use their text along with the book's illustrations.
To assess the students' learning, have them participate in a large class
project, by assigning each group a small section of the book to complete.
At the end of class, put all of the sections back together and read
the book out loud to the class as a whole.
To modify this lesson, it would be for a regular education class with
a longer timeframe. Continue to use groups, but instead assign each
group to a different picture book. The group would use their own story
for the entire book, and then present their story as a group to the
rest of the class.