About the Reviewer:
Allison Jefferson currently resides in Tucson, Arizona with
her twenty- month-old son, not-quite-here-yet baby girl, nine-year-old
step-daughter, husband and the rest of her wonderful family.
Originally from Indianapolis, Allison moved to Tucson for
a new start and warm winters. Currently a junior at NAU's
satellite elementary education program, she hopes to soon
be able to share her love of reading with the young minds
of today and tomorrow.
"When a man can read, he can see the world without his
eyes." (Kenzan) Allison has loved reading since she was
a young child; it was her escape from the everyday stresses
of childhood. She learned she wanted to share and help nurture
that love with children a few years ago when she helped teach
her then six-year-old step-daughter how to read. (Fall 2004)